The instructions like MOV or ADD are called as ………………

……………………….. converts the programs written in assembly language into machine instructions

The utility program used to bring the object code into memory for execution is …………

Each personal computer has a ………………………… that manages the computer’s arithmetical, logical and control activities.

Assembly Language requires less memory and execution time. Yes/No…………………

The only language which the computer understands is ……………………………………

The smallest unit of computer measurement is…………………………………………….

Which flag is set to 1 bit when results from an operation are zero………………………..

Assembly language instruction consist of the ……………………….and ………………..

Assembly language uses which number system…………………………………………...

……………………………………………is the complete set of instruction a processor is designed to understand.

……………………………………………, …………………………………….and ……. ……………………….are the classifications of registers used in assembly language

Interpret the following assembly language statements “Mov AX, DX;”…………………. …………………………………………………………………………………………….

………………………………register serves as the default storage location during CPU operations.

How many bits of information make up a nibble…………………

What does MAR stand for………………………………………………………………….

Two functions performed by the Program Counter are …………………………………… and ………………………………………………

A special request originated from some device to the CPU to acquire some of its time is called……………………………………

Addressing Mode is defined as ……………………

In the instruction ADD AX, BX, the answer gets stored in……………………

What is the function of Instruction Register…………………

……………………… a sequence of logical instruction written to assist the computer perform a given task

Instructions performing actions in assembly language is called……………………

Components that provides internal storage in the CPU is called………………

INC BX stands for ……………………………

Stack Register is …………………………………………………………………………

…………………………addressing mode is where the effective data is contained in the instruction itself.

What is the function of the stack pointer…………………………………………………...

What is the function of Data Bus……………………

Advantage of using assembly language rather than machine language is that…………

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