General and Subject Methodology
About Lesson

Individualized instruction is a method of instruction in which content, instructional materials instructional media, and pace of learning are based upon the abilities and interests of each individual learner. It is not the same as a one-to-one student/teacher ratio or one-to-one tutoring, as it may seem, because it is difficult, if not impossible to have a teacher for each student.

        Individualized instruction is like direct instruction which also places greater reliance upon carefully prepared instructional sequences.


  1. A child can progress at the pace best suited to him and get individual help from the teacher when he needs it.
  2. It makes every student to participate
  • It gives the teacher quick knowledge of individual students at the end of every lesson.
  1. It helps children with some learning difficulties to leaner at their own pace with full attention of the teacher.
  2. It makes the bright child to move his own pace and the slow child is prevented from being pushed too fast.


  1. It is time consuming
  2. It requires very little or no interaction among the students.
  3. It is costly.