Steps on how to take the online examination

Last Updated on July 18, 2020 by admin

Below are steps on how to take the forthcoming online examination:

Step One:

Go to OSISATECH eLearning website ( and login with your user details.

(eg. Username: ACC-N2018-R-001, Password: **********)

Step Two:

Go to the time table of the exam you want to write and click on TAKE EXAM.

Note: Be mindful of the lecturer handling the course (eg. Owo Campus should click on their correct link likewise Ogui)

Warning! Taking a course not meant for you will attract penalty or severe punishment as your login detail will be registered.


Now you are ready to write the exam!

1. This exam is timed and it will start counting immediately you click on the NEXT button.
2. The system will time you out once the time elapses and submit your result automatically.
3. You have only one (1) attempt for each course. Do not click the NEXT button if you are not ready.
4. Access to the question will be removed after the scheduled date.
5. Ensure that you have relative stable network, using a cyber cafe may be better.
6. Use comma (,) to separate multiple answers.



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